Month: December 2016



010                                                                                                                23 December 2016


We are all here to live every situation you can imagine, good or bad; right or wrong; positive or negative. Why? So we can learn from the experience as part of the adventure of life.  Murray Kibblewhite


According to Louise Hay, in her book “You Can Heal Your Life”, the fundament addiction of most people is the feeling off and continuing to act in an unworthy manner.

This fundamental addiction gives rise to other addictions – drugs, alcohol, and violence.

When I asked several specialists is it possible to prevent addictions to drugs, alcohol and violence the same answer was- “No. The person has to hit the bottom before they gain the courage to change their lifestyle.”

How does a person know their sense of unworthiness?

Maybe some methods could include, the observations by third parties, the results of regular checks such as blood test or a self-check using an App.

For example when a person has completed a “detox” their regular follow-up support program could reveal any symptoms of reversal.

But this does help a person before they have their crisis?

How does a person overcome their sense of unworthiness?

Once they have accepted they have an addiction and want to improve, then a change in thinking is required. For example, use some form of meditation, soul expansion techniques (Christine Marie Sheldon) or yoga and exercise together with regular repetitions of affirmations.

There are many programs for self-improvement that can be suited for a person who is prepared to make the change.

But this does not help a person before they have their crisis!

How can a person prevent feeling unworthy?

Proper parenting is required for young people up until when they are seven (7) years of age to ensure children are loved, feel confident and are supported by an older person.

This is the crucial test – how are young children being parented?

But while young children can be observed in play centers, what about their circumstances when they are in their homes?


Addiction is formed early in a person’s life and usually comes out later under some form of stress. While some say addiction is gene based it could and is probably a continuation of lifestyle and cultural practices which have deep-rooted acceptance based upon family examples.

Learnings– So what does a person learn from having an addiction? Is it the experience of being out of control, or the pleasure of having high or feeling powerful? Maybe the learning is self-discipline, or self-forgiveness, or self–worth? You decide!

All life’s experiences are opportunities to learn. The challenge is to decide, what are the real lessons to be learned?

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009                                                                                                              21 December 2016


We are all here to live every situation you can imagine, good or bad; right or wrong; positive or negative. Why? So we can learn from the experience as part of the adventure of life.

Murray Kibblewhite

STORY – YEAR 21 –Japanese Trio

Michael arrived to teach at the college and was met by three Japanese girls, Yuria, Maya and Hina, two which were work colleagues and the third was a new student. “Wow, is this the Japanese version of Charlie’s Angles?” he thought.

Yuria, a plump figure but with a wonderful open personality, was very efficient helping him with administration matters. While appreciative of her help, Michael was shocked when she disclosed she only spoke to her parents every six months!She explained she could not answer the same question her mother always asked, “When are you coming home?”

Later, Michael had time to talk about Japanese cooking with slim and sensual Maya. Wanting to discuss the subject further outside of office hours, he was stunned by her aggressive self-centered manner. Yuria, during a further meeting, disclosed that Maya was angry at all men as a result of losing her boyfriend back in Tokyo to her best friend.

At the end of the day as Michael was walking to the lift he met up with Hina again.  When asked why she was in New Zealand, she acted in a suggestive off-hand manner giving glib reasons. It seemed everything was a game and she would have preferred to be in the USA with her friends.

Check out the complete story at


Learnings– Each person’s learning is different and for the love and fulfilment of self then the learnings for each girl could be: –

Yuria – to gain the experience of independence.

Maya – to gain the experience of avoiding pain.

Hina – to experience a life of fun without responsibilities

All life’s experiences are opportunities to learn. The challenge is to decide, what are the real lessons to be learned?


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